As previously reported, highly-popular mecha classic Daimos, together with Voltes V, is being given a voice reboot by terrestrial network GMA-7 with artist Alden Richards portraying the role of lead character “Richard”.
In a post on the social networking site Instagram, Kapuso talent Louise Delos Reyes has revealed that she is voicing “Erika” in the latest re-dub.
Richards (Faulkerson Jr. in real life) and Delo Reyes has previously worked together in the GMA-7 afternoon drama “Alakdana”.
The overall rights for both Voltes V and Daimos remains with Telesuccess Productions, but the redub of both titles will be handled by Alta Productions, Inc., the post-production subsidiary of GMA Network.
There is still no word on when the redubbed versions will air, as they may still be in its initial stages of production.