15-seconder commercial aired during the first season rerun.
“Our first and last eternal summer”
That is the message that the second season teaser of the sports anime Free! Iwatobi Swim Club want to impart as a brand new teaser was aired during the rerun of the first season in Japan.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”338″ video_id=”mHVpl6mZIkk”]
The fifteen-seconder advertisement had the message “Summer is coming. Our first and last eternal summer. Free! Coming soon.” The renewed season of Free! will air sometime within the third quarter of this year.
The swimming-themed anime’s renewal was announced in January, during the Free! talk event. It is expected that all of the main cast of the series will reprise their roles.
Internet streaming site Crunchyroll streams the anime on a day-and-date basis outside Japan.
Source: Anime News Network